Calendar of Events

Our calendar of upcoming ICSI events. Past event resources are in "Resources" above.

Education Opportunities

ICSI's Education Team develops and executes a rolling calendar of educational opportunities that further the knowledge and skills of ICSI members. The team draws upon ICSI's multiple lines of business, from collaboratives to guidelines and initiatives and more, to execute timely adult educational offerings that members can leverage to better execute patient-centered and value-driven health care.

May 25, 2011
ICSI/MHA Networking Collaborative Webinar Series on Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively (RARE) Safe Transitions of Care Pilot by the MN Hospital Association

Communication failures between settings during transitions of care can compromise patient safety and quality of care. This webinar will inform participants of the learning from the MHA safe transition pilot.

June 8, 2011
ICSI/MHA Networking Collaborative Webinar Series on Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively (RARE): Infusing True Patient Centered Care into Care Transitions

This presentation will address current challenges for improving transitional care through engagement of the patient, practitioner, and health care institutions.

June 10, 2011
SDM: Three important letters of the Triple Aim Webinar

What can you do today to help deliver patient-and family centered care while reaching for the Triple Aim.? How can Shared Decision Making (SDM) improve the health of the population, improve patient experience, and improve affordability.

June 21, 2011
ICSI Ideagora Webinar – From Guidelines to Implementation and Beyond – the Road to Omaha

Learn more about translating guidelines and clinical data into implementable tools.

« May 2011 »
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