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Colloquium on
Clinical Quality Improvement


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Clinical improvement

Health care guidelines

Technology assessment reports

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Discount Travel to Colloquium on Clinical Quality Improvement

ICSI has selected Stellar Access, Inc. as the preferred travel agency for the Colloquium on Clinical Quality Improvement. Discounted travel arrangements have been negotiated for attendees. Click here to book the lowest contracted fares on-line or call 1-800-929-4242 and request discounts for Group# 437. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 858-805-6109.

Book your travel on-line - As an attendee, you can book discounted flights, search for air fares, and reserve your car online for the Colloquium and get the same contracted discounts and pay no transaction fees.

Enjoy travel discounts for all future ICSI Colloquia from the convenience of your home or office anytime by visiting StellarAccess . First time users will be asked to register with Group# 437. This quick and easy system remembers your contact information, Frequent Flyer memberships, Frequent Car Rental membership, hotel preferences, and airline seat/meal preferences for all future travel. Stellar Access does not sell or give your information (including email addresses) to any other entity.


© Copyright 2002 ICSI
8009 34th Avenue S., Suite 1200, Bloomington, MN 55425
Phone: (952) 814-7060
Fax: (952) 858-9675
Email: [email protected]

last updated: 2/28/2002