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Survey on Translation of ICSI Health Care Guideline

Thank you for completing the survey on ICSI's translation of the "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" health care guideline. The information you provide is completely confidential; ICSI does not collect your email address or any other information that can identify you. Your feedback will help us determine whether people who have little or no background in health care find the translation of the diabetes guideline useful.

For each question, please select the best response. After you complete the survey, please click the "Submit" button to send your responses to ICSI.

1. Are you a physician, independently licensed clinician, nurse or other health care professional?
___ Yes
___ No

2. Which of the following statements best describes your education?
___ I have a college degree.
___ I attended college but did not complete a degree.
___ I have a high school diploma or GED but did not attend college.
___ I did not complete high school.

3. Why are you interested in information about diabetes care?
___ I or someone I know has diabetes, and I want to find out more about how it is treated.
___ I have a general interest in self-care or health issues.
___ I have a professional interest in diabetes care.
___ Other

4. How did you become aware of the diabetes guideline translation on the ICSI Web site?
___ I was referred by a family member or friend.
___ I was referred by my physician or other health care professional.
___ I discovered it while browsing on the ICSI Web site.
___ I was referred by an Internet search engine.
___ I followed a link from another Internet site.

5. Were you able to understand the information contained in the guideline translation?
___ No, the guideline did not explain medical terminology well enough to be easily understood.
___ Most of the guideline was understandable but some parts were too technical.
___ Yes, the information presented in the guideline was easily understood.

6. Did the guideline translation contain the information you were looking for about the treatment of diabetes?
___ Yes, it contained most or all of the information I was looking for.
___ It contained some of the information I was looking for.
___ No, it did not contain the information I was looking for.

7. Do you have any comments you would like to share? Please provide them below.


Thank you for completing the survey. Please click the Submit button to send your responses to ICSI.


© Copyright 2002 ICSI
8009 34th Avenue S., Suite 1200, Bloomington, MN 55425
Phone: (952) 814-7060
Fax: (952) 858-9675
Email: [email protected]

last updated: 1/10/2002