ICSI Healthcare Guidelines Logo

Health Care Guideline:
Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation for
Infants, Children and Adolescents

General Implementation April 1998

Copyright © 1998 by Institute for Clinical Systems Integration

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The ICSI Guidelines contained in this web site are designed to assist clinicians by providing an analytical framework for the evaluation and treatment of patients, and are not intended either to replace a clinician's judgment or to establish a protocol for all patients with a particular condition. An ICSI Guideline rarely will establish the only approach to a problem.

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Work Group Members

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Population of Interest

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Priority Aims for Medical Groups When Using This Guideline

  1. To increase the likelihood that tobacco-using patients who visit the clinic will quit.

    Possible measure of accomplishing this aim:
    1. Although it is difficult to measure the quit rate accurately, this rate can be approximated by the percentage of users now or in the past 6 months who have quit at the time of an office visit.
  2. To improve the proportion of patients whose current use of tobacco or exposure to tobacco smoke is obvious in the chart at any primary care clinic encounter.

    Possible measure of accomplishing this aim:
    1. The percentage of patients' charts that either show that there is no tobacco use/exposure or (if a user) that the current use was documented at the most recent clinician visit.
  3. To improve the proportion of tobacco-users whose interest in quitting is assessed or who receive cessation advice at any clinic encounter.

    Possible measure of accomplishing this aim:
    1. The percentage of patients with documented tobacco use or exposure at the latest visit who also have documentation that their cessation interest was assessed or that they received advice to quit.
  4. To improve the proportion of clinic-visiting tobacco users interested in quitting who receive self-help materials and offers of support and follow-up after a quit date.

    Possible measure of accomplishing this aim:
    1. The percentage of clinic-visiting tobacco users with documented interest in quitting at the latest visit whose charts also document that they received self-help materials and an offer of support and follow-up after a quit date.

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Clinical Algorithms & Annotations

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Algorithm Annotations:

1. Community Intervention

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2. Establish Smoke Exposure at Nearly Every Visit

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3. Documentation

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5. If Someone In The Child's Home Smokes

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6. Establish Patient's Use of Tobacco at Appropriate Visits

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9. Patients Not Interested in Quitting

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10. Patients Interested in Quitting

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13. If Parent, Sibling or Friend Uses Tobacco

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Evidence Grading System

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Guideline Development History

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Other Guideline Referenced Within This Guideline

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Instructions for Downloading PDF Version of This Guideline

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