Publications Order Form

ICSI Writer

Paper copies of ICSI health care guidelines and protocols are available. The order form contains a list of available documents and pricing information.

The ICSI Publication Order Form can be used to order paper copies of current or past versions of guidelines, order sets and protocols.

All current ICSI documents can be downloaded for free by visiting Guidelines & More on the ICSI Web site,

Past versions are available for $50.00 (plus $5.00 for shipping and handling). To order, please complete the order form and fax, mail or e-mail it to Lisa LeMay. The fax number is (952)858-9675. E-mail address is [email protected] and mailing address is 8009 34th Avenue South, Suite. 1200, Bloomington, MN 55425.

Questions about availability and ordering documents should be directed to Lisa LeMay via e-mail or by phone at (952)814-7072.

Updated: 11/9/2012