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Cancer Prevention

MD News Highlights Top Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies

Cancer is a leading cause of death among Minnesotans. Since 2010, ICSI has worked with the Minnesota Department of Health and the American Cancer Society to increase cancer screening. We have participated in roundtable discussions, facilitated advisory groups and led learning collaboratives on cancer screening.

2013-2014 Collaborative

Four medical organizations participated in a yearlong learning collaborative, where they focused on increasing their screening rates for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer. The organizations created value stream maps to identify opportunities for improvement and then focused on pre-visit planning, reminders and systemwide implementation of the evidence. Read the final report.

2012-2013 Collaborative

This learning collaborative on cancer prevention screening looked at processes for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening, with a goal of making health system changes to facilitate risk-appropriate screening. Read the final report

Learn more about the different types of cancer screening recommendations.

Breast Cancer Screening

Colorectal Cancer Screening

Tobacco Prevention and Control