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ICSI Advances Choosing Wisely Campaign Across Minnesota

ICSI and the MN Health Action Group (The Action Group) received a grant to advance the Choosing Wisely Campaign across Minnesota. Launched in April 2012 in partnership with Consumer Reports and specialty medical societies, the campaign is focused on encouraging physicians and patients to discuss medical tests and procedures that may be unnecessary, and in some instances cause harm.

ICSI will engage Minnesota physicians to address five key Choosing Wisely recommendations, and will also include Choosing Wisely materials in other initiatives designed to bring clinicians, citizens and other stakeholders together to create local goals and action plans to help communities address the affordability of health care. The Action Group will spearhead communication efforts with employers and their employees

Choosing Wisely Executive Summary

Medical Societies' Lists of Questionable Procedures

Approximately 50 U.S. medical societies have identified "Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question" to help ensure that only appropriate procedures in their field of expertise are conducted.

Work is Funded by ABIM Foundation Grant

ICSI and The Action Group are among 21 state medical societies, specialty societies, and regional health collaboratives that received grants to extend the reach of Choosing Wisely.