SIM Practice Facilitation
ICSI and Stratis Health have combined practice facilitation resources to bring together a mix of primary and specialty care provider organizations for quality improvement activities as part of a $45 million State Innovation Model (SIM) cooperative agreement. The Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Human Services received this award in 2013 from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to help implement the Minnesota Accountable Health Model. Learn more.
Guidance for Use of Medical Cannabis in Ambulatory Setting
In response to a request by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and member inquiries, ICSI convened a work group to develop guidance for practitioners in the ambulatory care setting to understand their role in certifying Minnesota patients who may be eligible to receive medical cannabis. While ICSI takes no position on the merits of medical cannabis, we determined that ICSI could play an important role as the “neutral convener” needed to provide statewide guidance and support for clinicians, who choose to participate, in meeting the legislative requirements for certification. The work group was comprised of primary care doctors, medical specialists and others, and met three times in May and June of 2015.
As set forth in the legislation, medical cannabis is available to certified patients as of July 1, 2015. The guidance document prepared by the work group was sent to ICSI members for review, approved by MDH, and is available on the MDH/Office of Medical Cannabis (OMC) website in the For Health Care Practitioners section. Please visit the MDH/OMC website or contact MDH with any questions.
Best Practices in Anticoagulation Control Management
At the request of members, ICSI convened two meetings in 2014 to discuss best practices for anticoagulation measurement and management in primary care and EHR tools for data tracking and documentation of INR measurements. Read a summary of the meetings discussion. Please direct any questions to ICSI's Senka Hadzic.
Low Back Pain
Dozens of ICSI member clinicians and experts developed the ACTIVE treatment approach (Active Care Treating of Intense Low Back Pain Very Effectively) for all types of clinicians caring for patients with acute or subacute low back pain. It is built on the evidence-based foundation that conservative care must be the first approach for any clinician and the first experience of the patient. Learn more.
Health Care Home
Following passage of the 2008 Health Care Home legislation, ICSI adopted health care home as a strategic initiative. Results of this initiative supported the development of Minnesota’s health care home model, standards and outcomes. Learn more.
Palliative Care
This initiative sought to integrate elements of palliative care, such as pain and symptom management, care coordination and shared decision-making, into routine primary care delivery. Learn more
Statewide Health Improvement Project
ICSI participated in the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Statewide Health Improvement Project (SHIP) from 2010 – 2012. SHIP works to prevent disease by creating healthy communities and helping individuals make healthy choices. ICSI led collaboratives across Minnesota in which medical groups worked with public health agencies to implement the ICSI Healthy Lifestyles and Obesity guideline. ICSI also helped two counties implement a referral system within medical organizations to local agencies that could help patients increase their physical activity and improve nutrition. MDH released a report in February 2013 on the three-year results of the SHIP program.
Baskets of Care
ICSI facilitated a Minnesota Department of Health project that defined seven baskets of care meant to help consumers compare the value of services offered by different providers. Learn more at the Minnesota Department of Health.