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2010 ICSI/IHI Colloquium on Health Care Transformation

This year ICSI and IHI will offer three distinct tracks so that you can hone in on topics most relevant to your success: Track One: Quality and Safety, Track Two: Leadership and Health Care Reform, Track Three: Innovation

  • Date: May 3 - 05, 2010
New Embedded Resource

13th Annual ICSI/IHI Colloquium
On Health Care Transformation

Innovation and Quality in
A Time of Health Care Reform

St. Paul RiverCentre, St. Paul, MN
May 3-5, 2010

Pre-registration has now closed. Please register onsite at the St. Paul RiverCentre upon arrival.

Click here to view IHI's Don Berwick's video
Click here to download the Colloquium Brochure
Click here to download the Colloquium Hotel Reservation Form

Keynoters and Pre-Conference Workshops Now Set!

Health care reform has been THE focus in 2009. Our ICSI/IHI Colloquium promises to be one of THE best events in 2010 to help you lead, implement and benefit from the current transformation in health care.

This year’s Colloquium will offer three distinct tracks so that you can hone in on topics most relevant to your success. Our program is built with a powerhouse of experts and topics we’ve lined up in these tracks:

  • Track One: Quality and Safety
  • Track Two: Leadership and Health Care Reform
  • Track Three: Innovation
Register early and save! Watch for more updates on the 2010 ICSI/IHI Colloquium on Health Care Transformation