Reviews of books read by Gary that are largely non-technical, entertaining, and ultimately thought provoking.
Who the heck is Gary? Gary Oftedahl has served as medical director of ICSI since 2001. During that time, he has had the opportunity to explore many concepts, identify new ideas, and become exposed to original thoughts which may or may not be relevant to our work, but are "intriguing" (one of his favorite words) and worthy of discussion. Many who've participated in collaboratives with him have heard of books he's read which have led to frequent requests to hear more.
What is Gary's Book Club? Gary's Book Club is an opportunity to hear of what's running through Gary's mind (as cluttered as it may seem at times) and learn what he's read or is reading now which may be of interest. He will provide monthly reviews, and invite comments, feedback, and hopefully engage in dialogue, which will provide innovative and creative new ways of approaching our work. The books reviewed will be largely non-technical, entertaining, and ultimately thought provoking. Hopefully, those of you interested will widen his library and add to the collection. Many may choose to disagree, and provide their own perspectives and ideas.
Book review feature of the month: Standout: The Groundbreaking New Strengths Assessment…Join Gary's Book ClubAs interest increases, we may revisit the concept and identify other methods to learn from each other. Gary's only problem, where should he begin? With over 100 titles from which to choose, the list already is overwhelming. Join him in expanding our horizons, and enriching our mental vocabulary as we move forward in our work.