Prevention of Chronic Disease Article This article in HealthCare News magazine discusses ICSI's guideline for the primary prevention of chronic diseases.
DIAMOND TV Coverage ICSI's DIAMOND program, which changes how primary care for depression is delivered and paid for, is spotlighted in this FOX TV newscast.
Improving Palliative Care ICSI member Howard Epstein, MD, discusses ICSI's updated palliative care guideline in this Minnesota Medicine interview.
Star Tribune DIAMOND Article Attached is a story on ICSI's ground-breaking DIAMOND program from the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper.
SuperiorHealth Center Profiled SuperiorHealth Center's efforts to become more patient-centered--through such things as the DIAMOND program and falls prevention--is spotlighted in this Duluth News Tribune article.
Crossing the Quality Chasm A look at ICSI's first 15 years and its new strategic direction moving forward were the subjects of a front page story in the May issue of Minnesota Physician magazine.
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