Health Care Guidelines

Guidelines, order sets, protocols and more.

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Clinical Documents Index

Title Date Type

Prostate Cancer, Screening for, by Park Nicollet Health Services (brochure)

Released 06/2007

04/09/2009 Preventive Health Care Patient Education Resources

Rapid Response Team (Protocol)

Released 05/2009

05/26/2009 Patient Safety & Reliability Protocols

Respiratory Illness in Children and Adults, Diagnosis and Treatment of (Guideline)

Released 02/2008

02/13/2008 Respiratory Disease Guidelines

Retained Foreign Objects During Vaginal Deliveries, Prevention of Unintentionally (Protocol)

Released 11/2009

11/24/2009 Patient Safety & Reliability Protocols

Sinusitis, by Park Nicollet Health Services (brochure)

Released 09/2007

04/09/2009 Respiratory Health Patient Education Resources

Strep Throat, What You Need to Know About, by Park Nicollet Health Services (brochure)

Released 04/2008

04/09/2009 Respiratory Health Patient Education Resources

Stroke for Patient not Receiving tPA, Ischemic; Admission for (Order Set)

Released 06/2010

08/31/2010 Cardiovascular Order Sets

Stroke for Patients Receiving tPA, Ischemic; Admission for (Order Set)

Released 06/2010

08/31/2010 Cardiovascular Order Sets

Stroke, Ischemic, Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of (Guideline)

Released 06/2010

11/29/2010 Cardiovascular Guidelines

Surgical Site Infection Prevention in Adults, Antibiotic Prophylaxis for (Order Set)

Released 10/2010

10/26/2010 Patient Safety & Reliability Order Sets